Synchronicity as an Affirmation
When I was younger, I learned that i had a gift for noticing patterns, commonalities, etc. I often experienced déjà vu and lived out dreamed experiences. I applied pattern recognition to my interest in astrology—I always wanted to know who was what sign so then I can compare and contrast what they had in common with others of the same sign. As I developed that skill, I opened myself up to learning concepts such as telepathy, psychic awareness, and synchronicity.
While I read books on the topics, the concept of synchronicity was more of a lived experience. I would see the same arbitrary symbol in multiple places in a short amount of time. Or I would be having a conversation with someone about a particular topic that we would not normally discuss, and then the next day someone who doesn’t know that person would bring up that same topic with me. These are some simple examples of synchronicity that I would experience most often.
Overtime, I’ve become more attuned to this type of energy. It’s almost as if I have a little antenna picking up synchronicities all around me. I realized that noticing synchronistic events act as an affirmation that I am on the right path. It happened so much, if I haven’t felt one in a while, I’d get concerned.
I’d ask myself, “am I an alignment? Am I inflow with the universe?“
Recently, I’ve been motivated to create an attraction spell. The majority of attraction spells that I found are for money or love which I find very limiting so I hit the books. The entire time I was researching attraction spells, I kept seeing the star card from the muse tarot deck in my mind. That energy was just floating around in my subconscious, but I was not sure how to work with it yet.
Muse Tarot
My motivation for this spell is to deepen my trust in the universe. I have a tendency to let my mind get wound up really tight. My mental body takes over as I try to put so much action and effort into making something happen that I forget to surrender and trust that things will unfold in due time. So in an effort to shift my energy, I had to step outside, sit under a tree, turn off my phone and say out loud with purpose “I trust the universe” over and over and over. Sound silly but it totally worked.
The next morning I read an email by one of my past coaches about making the decision to move to Hawaii. Long story short, she asked the universe for a sign to move and when she finally got that sign she felt the deep emotional gut feeling that comes with that synchronistic affirmation from the universe. As I read that email I realized it’s been a while since I had that feeling. I couldn’t even remember the last time I had it because I’ve been so busy.
The next day my current coach shared with me that she was called to pull a tarot card for me before our session which she’s never done before. She proceeds to tell me that the star card came flying out of the Light Seer tarot deck. Ironically or rather synchronistically, I put that exact deck in my Amazon shopping cart the night before. And both decks, the Muse tarot (my deck) and the Light Seer tarot (her deck) are by the same artist.
As she explained to me why the star card came up, all I heard were the words “trust” “let’s go” and “ release.”
Light Seer Tarot
It hit me right in the gut—the star card energy, the desire for a synchronistic event to affirm that I am in flow with the universe. To witness that someone across the globe who I speak to once a week picked up on my energy and pulled the same card (archetype) that I have been feeling into all week, is nothing short of magic to me.
I was moved to tears as it felt so grounding and yet exciting. This energy is potent and implies that there is some deep processing happening in my energy field that is resonating with the cosmos at large.
Considering we are in the last Mercury retrograde of 2021, instead of taking Immediate action, I’m choosing to sit in this energy. To bathe in the cauldron of my thoughts, feelings, and energetic interactions with the world around me is the best medicine. During a mercury retrograde we are called to sit still, review, re-integrate and I’m doing just that.
What about you?