A pep talk? Resources for change and everlasting hope 🩷
These are trying times. I’ve found myself straddling two mindsets since January 20th—one of which I am doing my best to stay informed about the latest affront to our collective rights as well as my own, so that I am not blindsided and have time to fight back within my means to do so. And two, is all about staying in my spiritual practice so that I am grounded, reminding myself that I am safe, my soul agreed to be here on this planet, on this timeline, and to find spiritual purpose in all the mess.
In an effort to move some of this energy of feeling small and helpless, I attended the 50501 Protest last week and it reminded me of all the Black Lives Matter marches and protests I attended during the pandemic. It reminded me that as a group, we are very powerful when we come together. And that compassion and diversity are innately human.
It was beautiful to see so many people with posters fighting for their rights as trans, immigrants, boomers, missing indigenous women, and more all chanting each others chants, all unifying despite their differences for a greater cause: our collective freedom.
When I started my business/spiritual practice in 2020, my mission was clear:
Radical Wellness with Isabel Emilie; A space devoted to intersectional, liberational & decolonial approaches to self discovery through healing, coaching, and ritual. As such, I am committed to honing my offerings and showing up with integrity for women, people of color and the LGBTQ+ community.
At the root of all that I do and all that I offer, I continue to stand by my initial intention. On the surface, hosting a tarot workshop or talking about the moon cycles during a tumultuous time appears frivolous.
But in all honesty, reorienting our collective energy and mindset to reconnect with our intuitive powers, not our programmed and colonized intellect is key. To ground into divination, meditation and holistic wellness so that we are healing ourselves and healing the collective, are paramount right now.
And for those who are have surpassed fight, flight and slipped into freeze/overwhelm, take care of yourself! The best way for you to serve your purpose and your community is to make sure your needs are met first. Remember airplane rules apply!
You have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help anyone else.
So for those who want to take action, whether to the streets or from the comfort of your own bed, here are a list of resources that I highly encourage you to read, share and engage with as often as you have the bandwidth for:
✊🏿 PROTEST - There are several organizations leading protests all over the world and our media is censoring the international content. One page in particular is called 50501 Movement—50 Protests, 50 States, 1 Movement—that is calling us to show up in peaceful protest as a nation to remind everyone that there is power in numbers.
✊🏾 ONLINE MEETINGS - Get informed! The General Strike is a grassroots effort where they hold weekly meetings to encourage a communal effort in fighting injustice via education. Their movement is based on decentralizing the 1% in power and to get at least 11 million Americans to commit to taking collective action.
✊🏽 CALL YOUR SENATORS - Want to create change from the comfort of your home? Download the 5 Calls app, enter in your location and make your first call. Don’t know what to say? Don’t worry, they write the script for you on dozens of issues, from Gaza, USAID, Department of Education, the Abortion ban, the list goes on.
✊🏼 GET FUNDED - Do you or someone you know work for an organization that has recently been defunded? Check out Mobilize Power Fund! They offer grants to support injustices surrounding gender, specifically trans and feminine healthcare.
✊🏻 VOTE WITH YOUR $$$ - The most accessible (and arguably the hardest) option is to stop spending your money at big businesses that don’t support diversity, equity and inclusion. Not sure what companies you can trust? Go to Open Secrets, type in the company name, click the link and see what politicians they financially support.
Please share these resources with your families, friends and communities. The more of us who are informed and well resourced, the more powerful and unified we are. 🫶🏽
I hate to get political but as a queer woman of color, all aspects of my identity are under fire so here we are. If this email rubs you the wrong way, I encourage you to dig deep to uncover why. And for those of you struggling to stay afloat, give yourself some grace. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
Don’t become complacent. Change is inevitable.
Take care of yourselves so we can take care of each other. 🫱🏿🫲🏻